Todd and Tabitha

Todd raced competitively for twelve years in the sport that brought him to the World Championships, U.S. U-23 National Team, and two years at the professional level. Yet, during his career there wasn’t a sports chaplain or ministry pouring into pro cyclists. Todd and Tabitha desired to change the tide by launching AIA Pro Cycling in 2012 after seeing a desperate need for there to be emotional and spiritual support for athletes across the sport. Todd and Tabitha are committed to giving leadership to the global ministry while investing deeply in the lives of athletes across the sport with their family. They are parents to four amazing kids Logan, Virginia, Taylor and Davis who love being at bike races, on airplanes, and being with the riders! They call Girona, Spain home where you’ll find them chasing their kids on bikes, checking out every bakery in the city, and exploring everything in Costa Brava.

Brian and Lisa

Brian got his start racing bikes during his college years but once he and his wife Lisa moved to Colorado, his passion for the sport only grew stronger. In 2015, Brian left his first career in the cycling industry to join Todd, Tabitha, and Brad in the sport ministry of AIA Pro Cycling. Brian is currently wrapping up a masters degree at Dallas Seminary and can usually be found on the roads or trails somewhere in the mountains near his home in Boulder. The spectrum of his work with athletes is broad but Brian likes to focus on spiritual formation and helping athletes discover a deep and practical communion with God. He is also greatly influenced by Lisa's career and experience as a clinical mental health therapist. Brian still holds elite licenses in both road and mountain biking and can still sometimes be seen mixing it up with the best.

Brad and Adrienne

Brad followed professional cycling as a kid and raced collegiately while pursuing a sports medicine degree. His interest in physiology and biomechanics led him into the realm of cycling science and Athletic Training. While working with injured athletes he noticed a felt need that wasn’t being addressed; the mental and spiritual side of life were neglected. As Athletes in Action staff for over 25 years, he’s been able to combine his faith and medical training to develop the Total Athlete. The intersection of faith and sport motivates Brad. He pioneered sports chaplaincy in cycling and now with his wife Adrienne and children Herschel and Bridgit, they are a family on a mission to pursue this passion. 

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